Advances in the SImulation of reactive flow and TRAnsport in porous Media

SITRAM21 is a follow-up to the first edition that took place in Pau in December 2019, and gathered more than 40 researchers from eight different countries. 

The goal of the workshop is to present recent advances in both modeling and simulation for coupled transport and geochemistry in subsurface flow and to discuss results on a proposed "Reactive Multiphase Benchmark".

Topics of interest include:

  • Reactive multi-phase flow ;
  • Impact of reactions on mechanics (changes on porosity or permeability) ;
  • Discontinuous kinetic reactions ;
  • Numerical methods for coupling flow, transport and reactions, HPC issues.
  • Applications to CO2 storage, nuclear waster management, geothermal energy, ...

A special session of the workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of results on a new benchmark targeted towards two-phase flow with reactive transport in porous media. However, presentations pertaining to the general theme of the workshop, but not specifically related to the benchmark are also welcome. 

Prospective participants can find more information about the current state of the benchmark proposal on the dedicated Gitter page  

The workshop will take place on December 8-10, 2021 at Inria Paris Research Centre(How to reach the Inria Center ?)

Due to the pandemic conditions, the workshop will be held in a hybrid format, with both on-site and remote presentations.  

The workshop is free of charge but registration is mandatory.  

The official language of the conference is English.

Program Committee:

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